Thursday, February 5, 2009


If I get a flower for every time I think of you
I will have a garden
You are my Valentine

Don't know much about History
Don't much about Geography
But I do know
that I love you
and will you be my Valentine....always

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You are the one I think of
You are the one I dream of
You are the one and only Valentine for me
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I feel your arms around me
I feel your lingering kiss
Every cell in me yearns for you
I promise you a Valentine's to remember.....

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I love the sun for days
I love the moon for nights
I love you ...forever,,,
My dearest Valentine

Valentines Day graphics for hi5 comments
How I love thee !
With all my heart and soul
Multiply that by infinity
Take it to the depths of fovever......
Happy Valentine's Day my Love
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If I have a penny for everytime I think of you
I will be a Billionaire
You dominate my thoughts , my darling Valentine
I love you.