In words, love can be read.
In actions, love can be measured.
But others don't know that even in silence,
love can be heard.
When you find a dream inside your heart,
don't ever let it go....
for dreams are the tiny seeds
from which beautiful tomorrows grow.
If God is the DJ, then Life is the dance floor
Love is the rhythm, and You are the music.
See there's this place in me
where your fingerprints still rest,
your kisses still linger,
and your whispers softly echo.
It's the place where a part of you
will forever be a part of me.
A ring is round, it turns forever
and that's how long we'll be together!
I will love you all my life and
when I die I will still love you
through eternity and beyond,
I love the sun for days,
the moon for nights and you forever.
Why do I love you?
Because you are and always have been my dream.
Without love there are no dreams.
All that I am, all that I see,
all that I dream and do are brighter,
more beautiful and meaningful,
because of my feelings for you.
I will always love you and
nothing can change my mind
from thinking about you or loving you.
Take care my angel.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Why do I love you?
Labels: dream, God love, heart, I love you
Monday, December 22, 2008
My Angel
An icing can make a cake so sweet,
a string can make a balloon so high,
a match can make a candle so bright.
I hope that a simple text can make you smile.
This message has no fat,
no cholesterol and no additive.
This is all natural except,
with a lot of sugar.
But it can never be as sweet as the one reading it.
Women listen to music because they are in love.
Men listen to music because they want to fall in love.
I had searched the whole universe
for the special someone,
who can be everything to me and
a place where I can live in endless love.
When You came into my life,
I found everything.....
That special someone...
Love and Your Pure Heart...
You sincerely mean the world to me .
I want U to remember this throughout our lives.
Theres a poem that I have written just for U...
Angel I Love u so very dearly and
with each and every passing moment
my Love 4u just gets deeper and more profound.
I pray you are smiling and happy today..
shine on like the diamond you are and
have a wonderful morning wrapped up snug
in all my hugs and kisses..
U have no idea how proud of you I am
and how proud I am to have your Love
which is all I ever need..
I may be thousands of miles away
but I am forever by your side.
I love you for all the wonderful things that you do...
I love you for all that you.
You mean the world to me my queen.
I want everyone to know just how much
you do mean to me.
You are my soul mate,
partner in life ,my absolute world.
My Love, take care and stay blessed for me ...
Labels: I love you, love letter, poem, special
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Light of the World
Hello, how are you today? May Christ shine in everything you do, with a prayer that you'll always be safe, not only today, but always, Jesus is where I need Him, and I am where His love is.
Why should I ever worry if He is always beside me? No mater how softly you whisper a prayer, God surely listens, understands and knows the hopes and fears you keep in your heart. For when you trust in His love, miracles happen.
May the love of God always shine in your life, as you become a light for others. Have a pleasant day. As the dawn breaks into a beautiful sunrise, may God shower you His blessings of love and lead you always to the right path.
May the Lord bless you and keep you.
May His light be always with thee.
May He keep you safe from harm,
and shield you from all wrong. May
He grant you His peace.
May He guide you on your way.
Bring you joy with each new day.
Every time you cross my mind,
I break out in exclamations of thanks to God,
I found the one my heart loves....
I am the light of the world, whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life. (John 8:12)
Saturday, December 13, 2008
From the night....
From the night we met until I take my last breath, I will always love you. You are the beat in my heart. You're the dream I have every night. I miss you so much. I can't wait for you to come home.
I miss your passionate kisses, the way you hold me, making love to you. I want to gaze into your eyes again. I want to be able to hear your voice again so I can tell you how much you mean to me and how much I love you. I drive myself crazy at night thinking of you because you're not lying beside me.
I now know since you are so far away from me that God really did spend a little more time on you. So the hours will pass and the days slowly roll by and every minute I will miss you and think of you. I love you my love.
Can I say I love you today? If not, can I ask you again tomorrow? And the day after tomorrow? And the day after that? Coz I'll be loving you every single day of my life.
Labels: God love, I love you, kisses
Monday, December 8, 2008
Roses are Red ......
My Love, I have really missed you today. I kept thinking of you, the wonderful flutters I get in the pit of my stomach when I call you, the tender encouraging words and advice you give to me. You are so open to love. It's hard to describe the emotion churning inside of me.
Text me when you are sad, text me when you need someone to listen to and you can't find anyone who will. I don't care if I'm your last option, I just don't want you to cry alone.
There are many things that I regret ... the greatest is that we didn't meet sooner. But I thank God we did meet. No matter what happens, just know that I really do love you and, Sweetheart, I wish you were here with me.
Roses are red, violets are blue. I am waiting to hear from a cute woman like you. They told me I could do anything if I put my mind into it. Yet no matter how hard I try in all that I do, I just can't take my mind off you.
Hatred infects the mind. Caring for someone is easy but making someone care for you is hard. Now I keep wondering how did you make it so easy for me to care for you. love dissolves it. You dissolve my mind. A person you love is an extension of yourself. Without it, you're not complete so better take care of yourself because I don't want to lose a part of you.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
My Love
My love, I cannot stand this. It is just too hard to be away from you. I am usually okay, but at times like this (especially tonight) it just becomes too much to bear. I can not sleep tonight from thinking of you.
I just have to tell you, Love, to share with you that sacred part of my inner, secret life, the thoughts I think that everyone has but does not always say. I know that sometimes pride gets in the way of expressing emotions. I believe that is the cause of my reticence in telling you how I feel sometimes, that and the fact that passion in an extreme state can be scary, you almost just want to shut it away for fear that it will eventually destroy you.
I think of my feelings, my love for you not with craving or with hope or even desire, but just with a kind of wonder that such things could be. You have opened my eyes to how love should feel. I can promise you this, I will never again settle for less.
But, at this time in both of our lives, we are surrounded by possibilities of choice, open doors and wide horizons, which I know, may come between us. But I also know and hope that they could eventually bring us together, with both of us being better people for the time we spent apart. And so for now I function between maybe and maybe not. It's a strange mixture of love and sex and sorrow and hope and longing and faith. And even though you are far away, you're all that I can see, I carry you with me through all my days and I miss you more than I can say. Also,Love, remember this - I love you no less than if you were right here now
I know I have a tendency to be impetuous at times - thus the reason for this letter. I think I will mail it now, before I consider what you might think of it. I love you and am waiting for the day when I can feel your arms around me again.
I will always love you ,my love
Thursday, November 27, 2008
From this moment.....
I am just writing to show the world how much I love you. From the moment that we met, till our last kiss I have always loved you... I have never stopped loving you. You are one of the most remarkable people I've ever known. You're kind, caring, compassionate, loving and incredibly sexy.
When I am with you, I feel alive. You bring to me a happiness no one else has before. You bring to me a love I have never known before. I could not imagine what my life would be like without you. I know that I don't want to even imagine.
You have touched my heart in ways no one could ever comprehend. I love being with you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.
My caveman, my sexy monster, there is nothing on this Earth that I could ever give you that would ever come close to how I feel about you. I want to be with you for the rest of your life, and I hope you feel the same. If only you knew how much I want to stay in your life.
Is it wrong to be so young, yet feel so strong about you? I do not know what love is. But if it means caring for you, respecting you, believing in you and putting your happiness above my own, then I am in love. This is not lust or a silly crush... I really do love you. all the time we have spent together talking have been incredibly romantic. I hope that there are more great times to come. I love you...
Sunday, November 23, 2008
God Loves You
I can love you but God can loves you deeper.
I can be a friend but God can be your best friend.
I can hug you but God can envelope you.
You can cry to me but God can dry your tears.
I can hold your hand but God can carry you.
Life is good when somebody remembers.
Life is uplifting when someone is always there.
Life is great when someone would protect you and suffer.
Cherish life because Someone always cares,
Love comes from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith.
God did not promise days without pain;
laughter without sorrow;
sun without rain.
But He did promise strength for the day,
comfort for the tears;
and light four our way.
Until the angels close my eyes,
I can't imagine seeing life without you
God has given us eternal life,
and this life is in His Son.
He who has the Son has life;
he who does not have the Son does not have life. (I John 5:11-13)
Love never fails.
But where there are prophecies,
they will cease;
where there are tongues, they will be stilled,
where there is knowledge, it will pass away.

Labels: best freind, cares, cherish, eternal life, faith, God love, life, love, remembers
Monday, July 21, 2008
I was on my way to out to make some last minute errands,shopping and wanted to write you a little note. Thank you so much for having so much faith in me, Thank you for making me a better person, and for giving your heart to me and opening up so much.
Over the last few days, it's been wonderful, I never expected to feel this way nor actually be with you in this way, experiencing life with you. You are wonderful ... to me, . You make me really happy and even though we are apart so much of the time, it's made up each time I see you again.
The feeling that I get is overwhelming every time that I do get to see you for the first time in such a long time and as time goes by my feelings for you grow dramatically. You make everything complete and I can't imagine spending time with someone else and having these feelings for anyone else. I'm anxious to see you . Time is ticking, and it's going by really slow. It takes a strong woman to accomplish everything that you have in your life, I am proud of you that you stick to your goals, you have improved your life so much from what it was before and I am so happy that you respect my beliefs as I respect yours.
You say that you are going to make me a happy man ... well, you have already done that, just by being you and showing me love and being so open with your feelings. You are what I dreamed of when I was a little boy, someone with integrity, honesty, love, affection, handsome, and with such a charming personality. I never thought I would find you, but here you are. I love you so much, and can't wait to be with you . I want to give you my heart,body and soul. I don't care about anything else in the world because I am in love with you. I love you. Thank you for you have made all of my dreams come true. I could not ask for more. I am the luckiest guy in the world to be called your boyfriend,i will not ask for more,love always .
Could you do me a favor? Put your left hand over your right shoulder then your right hand to your left shoulder. There! I've just given you a morning hug. Each time I text you good morning, it's not just a morning greeting. There's a silent message saying I thought of you as I woke up this morning....... Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved. (Acts 4:12)
Distance love
Love can be expressed in many ways. One way I know is to send it across the distance to the person who is reading this.I used to think that dreams do not come true, but this quickly changed the moment I laid my eyes on you. Rain and sunshine do not always come together. Night and day never coincide. But you and I, whatever they say,When I dream, I dream of you...maybe one day, dreams will come true.
There are 4 steps to happiness:
1. you,
2. me,
3. our hearts,
4. together! Love.
All my life I have read about it, dreamt of it, waited for it, cried for it, needed it. Now with you, I have found it...The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God stands forever. (Isaiah 40:8)
I was sleeping, my hand was searching for you, but you were not there.
Never did I imagine that I would ever meet you, especially not in the form of a chat friend,how are you doing this morning ? i hope you woke up with alot of smiles on, i wish i could see you every morning when you woke but well God has his own reason for doing things the way they are, i dont want to rush into things but i think God has his own reason for bring us together and well among all the women i have chatted and met,i think you are very special and one out a thousand .
I look forward in getting to know you better , i will give up everything for love , so om my quest for that honest,lovely,beautiful woman i can trust and love till the end of time.i hope you have a good day at work and wish you all the best in the day.
It's the beginning of the day and I was thinking about you. I want you to know how much I sincerely love the countless hours we spent talking on yahoo yesterday. It means so much to me. It truly seems like I've known you forever,Thank you for being you and wanting me. You filled my heart with so much happiness and its wonderful it feels great.In life, we receive a wonderful opportunity, and that is to love.
Love comes in many forms. You love people in different ways and for different reasons, depending upon how they have touched your life. Love is a very powerful word and can describe as multitude of feelings, but its main context carries the same meaning,babe i thank God every second for bringing you into my life, I will need the angels to talk to you for me and tell you how i feel about you,the reason that i need the angels to talk to you for me is that you are my angel so maybe you will understand the sweet angel when they tell you how i feel . Kisses and Hugs.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
I woke up today smiling as I recall our friendship because I know that years from now, I will still be waking up smiling for the same reason every morning. God smiled at me just this morning thru the rising sun rays. I'm sharing the same courtesy with you by sending you a warm smile that your heart can feel even without seeing.
I'm talking about fate here - when feelings are so powerful it's as if some force beyond your control is guiding you to someone who can make you happy beyond your wildest dreams
Love is not about finding the right person, but creating a right relationship. It's not about how much love you have in the beginning but how much love you build till the end.
Mile People
The Mile People come into our lives and walk with us a mile, and then because of circumstance they only stay a while. They serve a need within the days that move so quickly by, and then are gone beyond our reach, we often wonder why.
God only knows the reason that we meet and share a smile, why people come into our lives and walk with us a mile.i will like to get your email address so i can add you to my list ,and i can talk to you online to know each other better.Have a blessed day and take care.